There are many areas where applied researchis benefitting individuals in society at large. This course willemphasize such applied areas not only in lecture, but also throughthe research projects that we will complete. The major class researchproject will be a study of the readability of specifically-formattedemails, which is a question of interest to some researchers at theU.S. Navy. Toward the end of the semester each student will alsowrite a research paper over an individually-chosen topic in appliedperception (clinical or human factors related). The research projectand the papers will be documented below as they arecompleted.
Service-learning projects are another way toapply what we know from research about perception to needs outsidethe classroom. The goal of a service-learning project is to enhancelearning by sharing with others and actively reflecting on theprocess afterward. The community, or "others" involved should alsobenefit from this interaction. On December 4th the class interactedwith seventh-graders from a local middle school (TJR). See below formore more details and a link to photos from the visit after wego.
Because all of the above will be documentedon this webpage, it will be updated as the semester progresses. Ifyou are interested, the webpages from previous classes are alsoavailable: 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000,2002
Return to Perception 440 information page.
The Class:
Back Row:Elizabeth Sowden, SarahGreer,
Sophia Hussein, Molly Daniel, Taylore Sloan
Front Row: Dr. Lauren Scharff, Jon Aston, Todd Ward, UgochiOnyejiaka,
Jeff Oldenkamp
On December 4th, the class visited TJRMiddle School, gave presentations, and interacted withseventh-graders in Mrs. Leah Kahn's science class. The interactionsinvolved many demonstrations to help the students understand somebasic principles about perceptual processing and some of the effectsof perceptual aging. Click here for some photos of our workshop interactions!