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(Back row): Joseph Heggins, Erik Steen, John Angell, Julie Terry,Amy Wilkerson (grad. assistant), (Front row): Dr. Lauren Scharff,Glenda Demaree, Toni Ray, Shannon Crouch, Nicole Cook, Mandy Taylor,Jennifer Ewing
There is a need for pure and applied perception research. Bybetter understanding how a perceptual system normally works we canbetter understand perceptual disorders and design environments forall individuals. Below are some topics which summarize differentareas of applied perception research.
In order to share some of what we learn this semester, we will goto TJR Middle School and interact with seventh graders in Mrs. LeahKahn's science class. Here we will give brief presentations anddemonstrations, some of which will simulate the perceptual lossesoften seen in aging percptual systems. Click here for a summary ofthis 1998 service-learning visit.
Finally, we designed and ran an applied experiment whichempirically tested factors which affect readability of webpages andother graphical user interfaces. Click here for the experimental paper.