(Results Given Below)
Currently, SFA admits entering freshmen students who rank in theupper half of their graduating class regardless of SAT or ACT scores. Students graduating in the lower half of their class must achieve aminimum composite score of 21 on ACT or 1010 on SAT in order to beeligible for admissions.
I.Should the University raise its freshmen admissionsstandards?
Yes_____ No_____
II.Would you favor raising freshmen admissions standards ifthe result was lower enrollment with smaller or fewerprograms?
Yes_____ No_____
If you answered "yes" to either question I. or II., please answerthe following questions:
III. The Uniform Admissions Policy (House Bill 588)requires general academic teaching institutions to use all of, anyof, or a combination of the following socioeconomic and academicindicators or factors in making first-time freshmen admissionsdecisions. Please check an appropriate response for each item andwhether you are in favor of using it as admission criteria:
Factors | Favor | Not in Favor | No Opinion |
A) Applicant's academic record |
B) Socioeconomic background |
C) First generation in family to attend college |
D) Performance level of applicant's school as determined by TEA |
E) Bilingual proficiency |
F)Financial status of applicant's school district |
G) Applicant's responsibility while attending school (example: part-time employment, helped to raise children or other similar factors) |
H) Applicant's performance on standardized test (SAT/ACT) |
I) Applicant is a resident of a rural or urban area |
J) Involvement in community activities |
K) Applicant's extracurricular activities |
L) Commitment to a particular field of study |
M) Personal interview |
N) Applicant's admission to a comparable accredited out-of-state institution |
IV.Currently, SFA uses a combination of academic record andstandardized test score to determine eligibility. What factor orcombination of factors listed in #3 should be used to determineeligibility? (Example: Item A and I)
Factors to be used:__________________________________________________________________
V. If SFA continued to use rank-in-class and standardizedtest score to determine eligibility, what combination of scores andrank-in-class should be used? (See EXAMPLE at left)
Rank | SAT Score | ACT Score |
Top Quarter | No Minimum | No Minimum |
2nd Quarter | 950 | 20 |
3rd Quarter | 1050 | 22 |
Bottom Quarter | 1100 | 24 |
* 598 surveys mailed to faculty
* 180 completed surveys returned (30%)
* 105 answered "yes" to question 1 and 2 (58%)
* 56 answered "no" to question 1 and 2 (31%)
* 17 answered "yes/no" to question 1 and 2 (9%)
* 2 did not answer question 1 or 2 (1%)
* 21 (20%) of those who responded "yes" to question 1 and 2, favorusing standardized test score and academic record as factors foradmissions. 84 (80%) favor using a combination of admissioncriteria.
Response to criteria used in determining admission decision:
| Number | Percentage |
A) Applicant's academic record | 105 | 100 |
B) Socioeconomic background | 24 | 23 |
C) First generation in family to attend college | 18 | 17 |
D) Performance level of applicant's school as determined by TEA | 58 | 55 |
E) Bilingual proficiency | 21 | 20 |
F) Financial status of applicant's school district | 9 | 9 |
G) Applicant's responsibility while attending school (example: part-time employment, helped to raise children or other similar factors) | 44 | 42 |
H) Applicant's performance on standardized test (SAT/ACT) | 101 | 96 |
I) Applicant is a resident of a rural or urban area | 9 | 9 |
J) Involvement in community activities | 48 | 46 |
K) Applicant's extracurricular activities | 46 | 44 |
L) Commitment to a particular field of study | 30 | 29 |
M) Personal interview | 57 | 54 |
N) Applicant's admission to a comparable accredited out-of-state institution | 24 | 23 |