Ad Hoc Committee on
Admission Standards
Stephen F. Austin StateUniversity
Charge to the committee from Dr.Ashley and timeline of events.
Areas in which the committee will becomeknowledgeable prior to completing their report.
How information will be shared with and input will be gatheredfrom the faculty and others in the campus community:
- Place the consultant's report on the Internet.
- Create a website to post summaries and handouts from the weekly meetings.
- Create a listserv to facilitate communication with and between faculty: if you are a member, you may post to the listserve. To join, please contact Lauren Scharff or Bob Szafran.
- Create flyer to distribute to Faculty Senate and Chair's Forum (early March)
- Article series in the Pine Log
- Two public forums to be held in mid-April: Monday, April 19th and Thursday, April 22nd. Both in Regent's Suite A from 3:30 - 5:00.
- Gather faculty and student input using a survey. Student surveys are on paper and may be obtained from a committee member. Faculty surveys may be completed online. Click Here for the faculty survey.
For questions regarding this page,please contactLaurenScharff.
Last updated on 2-24-99.