Interactive Visits to TJR
Sharing what we've learnedabout Perception.
We started each day with a generalintroduction of our class, and then pairs of students gave briefpresentations about various aspects of perception. Each pair made aposter which was left behind so that the seventh graders could referto the information later. After these presentations, the collegestudents worked one-on-one with seventh graders and explained and ledthem through the demonstrations. Picturesfrom the visit can also be viewed.
Monday, March 29th
- Why Study Perception / Basics about Light and the Eye: Chris Ramos and Nathan Hay
- Vision: Other Species and Changes across the Lifespan: Heather McCown and Laurie Gallaway
- Color Vision: David Keopnick
- blindspots
- pictures of infant vision
- goggles simulating glaucoma, low acuity, macular degeneration, etc.
- color blindness pictures
- test for color blindness
- yarn matching (with and without yellow lens to simulate aging)
- CAT scans and MRIs
- color aftereffects
Wenesday, March 31st
- Motion and Deppth Perception: Luke Cantu and Tim Ballew
- Illusions and "Messing with the Senses" : Rebecca Woods and Christina Willis
- Touch, Smell, and Taste: Lora Muxworthy and Rachel Waits
- Hearing: Allison Reynolds and Laurie Moses
- random-dot stereograms / regular stereograms
- Pulfrich effect demo
- card illusion (occlusion v. familiar size)
- motion aftereffects
- recognize objects with and without gloves
- high frequency hearing loss tape
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