Suspension Policy from other Universities

May 4, 1999


University of North Texas

In order to be in good standing the accumulative UNT gpa forstudents with 29 or less hours must be a 1.8; 30 hrs of more musthave a 2.0. Students who have below these will be on Probation forthe next semester. If a student fails to raise the gpa in thefollowing long (fall or spring) semester to the required level, thestudent will be automatically placed on Suspension for 1 or more longsemesters. If a student makes a 2.25 during the probation semesterhe may be placed on Continued Probation. 2nd Suspension is for 2 longsemesters; 3rd Suspension is for indefinite period of time. Afterserving a suspension period of 2 or more calendar years, a studentcan have a review by the Academic Dean. Work done at another schoolwhile the student is on suspension may not apply toward the degree. Astudent on suspension may attend summer terms in order to clear hissuspension.

Texas Tech University

Students whose accumulative Tx Tech gpa goes below a 2.0 is placedon Academic Probation, and may not take more than 15 hrs the nextsemester without Dean's approval, and must see the Dean foradvising. If probation semester is 2.0, but accumulative is below2.0, student is placed on Continued Probation. Student remains onContinued Probation until the accumulative 2.0 is reached. A studentwho, after a fall or spring, has a semester and accumulative gpabelow a 2.0 will be placed on Academic Suspension. An appeal to theAssociate Dean may be made after repeats and other adjustments bringhis gpa up to a 2.0. Students on Suspension, may be reinstatedafter 1 semester, and may apply for re-admission to the college(major) from which they were suspended, or from another college.Summer is considered as 1 semester. Students who have 1 or moresuspensions may seek reinstatement after 2 semesters.

Sam Houston State University

Students whose accumulative SHSU gpa is below 2.0 after a fall,spring or summer is placed on Academic Probation. If accumulative isbelow 2.0 after next semester the student is placed on AcademicSuspension. Both summer terms are considered as a semester. Atransfer student who is admitted with below a 2.0 must have a 2.0(including all transfer and SHSU work) at the end of the firstsemester or after summer to be in good standing. If not, he isplaced on Academic Suspension. Summer transients are not subject toacademic actions. Grades of WF are not used as an F in the gpa. Thesuspension period for the first suspension is at least 1 semester;second suspension is for a 12 month period; and after the thirdsuspension, no further enrollment at SHSU is allowed. Readmissionmust be approved by Academic Dean, then he reapplies for admission tothe university. Students may change their major if re-approved by thenew Dean. Students who register while on suspension do so at the riskof losing any money paid.

Texas A&M -Commerce

In order to be in good standing, the accumulative gpa must be a2.0 or higher. If this is not maintained, students will be placed onAcademic Probation, and may not register for more than four academiccourses during the fall, spring, or the entire summer. If the semester gpa is 2.0 the student will qualify for continuedenrollment on Probation. If the student fails to maintain a semestergpa of 2.0, then the student will be forced to leave the Universityon Academic Suspension for at least one calendar year. ContinuedExtended Probation may be permitted with Dean's approval for oneadditional semester. If the gpa is not a 2.0 after the one semesterof extended probation, the student will be suspended for one academicyear. Special permission from the Dean may permit extendedenrollment. Transfer students whose grades don't meet therequirements are placed on Academic Probation, and are subject theabove policies. Students in remediation must pass the requiredremediation course in no more than one attempt. When remediationcourses are attempted for the second time, the student is consideredon Probation regardless of his gpa. Students who don't pass thesecond attempt will be placed on Suspension regardless of the gpa.

Southwest Texas State University

Students whose SWT accumulative gpa goes below a 2.0 after a fallor spring will be placed on Probation. If, after fall, spring orsummer the SWT gpa is 2.00, Probation will be removed. If, after theprobation semester, the gpa is not a 1.86 the student will be placedon the first suspension. If the student raises the gpa but is stillnot a 2.0, the student may continue on second probation semester. Ifafter the second probation semester, the gpa is less than a 2.0, thestudent will be placed on the first Suspension. A first suspension isfor the first long semester following being placed on suspension.Appeals can be made to the Dean, and students can not change theirmajor in order to be reinstated. Deans can impose conditions (courseload, counseling, work load, etc). If the Dean denies reinstatement,students can appeal to the Suspension Appeals Committee. Ifreinstated, the transcript shows Suspension and then Reinstated for____term: Enter on Academic Probation. After second AcademicProbation, the gpa is below 2.0, second Academic Suspension isimposed for 2 years. Students can appeal to the Dean, and if deniedthey can appeal to the Suspension Appeals Committee. If a studenttakes 30 or more hours while on suspension, he will be considered asa transfer student, and be required the 2.25 gpa requirement forre-admission.

University of Houston

Students with a accumulative 2.0 gpa are in good standing.Freshmen with below a 2.0 after first semester will be placed onacademic notice (warning-not probation), and must be advised by theUniversity Studies Division, and the major department. All otherswhose gpa falls below 2.0 will be placed on Academic Probation, andare urged to seek advising from their major department. If the gpa atthe end of the probation or summer semester is below a 2.0, thestudent will be placed on Academic Suspension. The first suspensionis for a period of at least one semester (fall, spring or summer).The second suspension is for at least 12 months. After the thirdsuspension, a student is not eligible to return. A student onacademic probation whose semester gpa is a 2.0 but whose accumulativeis below a 2.0 will be able to remain on Academic Probation. Studentswill be removed from probation when their semester and accumulativegpa is at least a 2.0 or higher. Summer visiting students are notsubject to academic action. The Dean of a college may, without regardto these regulation, place on probation, retain on probation, orsuspend any majors in that college whose academic records aredeficient Only the Deans can reinstate students following suspension.Students can submit change of major requests along with their requestfor reinstatement, written petition for reinstatement, andtranscripts showing a 2.0 on all work completed while on suspension.Each of the Colleges may have different readmission standards, sostudents are required to consult the Dean's office for furtherdetails.

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