
Committee Directive and Membership

About SFA Masteries

Strategic Plan Information

Committee Activities and Research

Communication and Career Preparation Mastery Committees

Committee Activities and Research: Research on Masteries and Assessment

These efforts fall under Action Steps 31 and 32. A summary of all our Action Step Benchmarking efforts is also available.

The DI Committee has been conducting initial research on various competencies programs in universities across the nation. Web-based research, personal interviews, and conference attendance have been employed in reviewing these programs. This is an ongoing process, and the DI Committee contemplates further and continuing activities in this Action Step into the Fall 2004. The information will provide the jumping-off point for the implementation work of the DI Committee and the Sub-committees in the Fall 2004.

Some summaries of masteries from other universities that also have adopted a masteries or competencies approach:

Several additional universities also discuss assessment issues:

One of the committiees considerations is the use of digital portfolios to help document student mastery products. Here are some links on University Digital Portfolios:

Last updated October 11, 2004.