Assignments 7, 8, and 9

PSY 497

Spring 2006

Dr. Scharff

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Draft of Results, Graphs and Figure Captions: Assignment(#7)

For this assignment, you will need to turn in a typed version ofthe following. The target due date for Assignment #7 is Friday, March31st. This assignment is worth 30 points.

Results section:

Start with an explanation of what was done with the raw data priorto analysis. For example:

Summarize your correlations of your DV(s) with your measuredextraneous / demographic variables; if any are significant be sure toreport them and clarify the direction of the correlation using wordsto describe the trend. If you have between variables, you shouldconsider using the variables that significantly correlate ascovariates in your main analyses. If you did several correlations,you might consider using a table to summarize the statistics.

Summarize your analyses. For all significant effects (maineffects or interactions) be sure to include the F(df) = …. information. For significant main effects, incorporate the meansinto the sentence explaining the direction of the effect. Forsignificant interactions, refer to a graph and give a sentenceexplaining the important interaction trend to be observed in thegraph. For any significant main effects using more than 2 levels andall significant interactions, report the results of the post hoc whenexplaining the direction of the effect.

Even if your interaction was not significant, include a graph ofthe highest level interaction, and refer to it within the text as "agraph of means of all conditions."

Graphs and Figure Captions:

For this assignment, create in Excel a labeled graph for anysignificant interactions and for the highest level of interactionpossible even if it was not significant. Be sure to carefullyconsider the organization of the graph and whether to use bars orlines. Place each graph on a separate sheet.

Create a Figure Captions page (APA format) with a figure captionfor each graph. As discussed in class, each caption should includeat least two sentences, one describing what is plotted in the graph,and one describing the important trend to be observed in thegraph.


Revised Draft of Results, Graphs and Figure Captions plus FirstDraft of Discussion: Assignment (#8)

For this assignment, you will need to turn in a typed version ofthe following. The target due date for Assignment #8 is Friday, April7th. This assignment is worth 30 points.

Results, Graphs and Figure Captions should be revised based onfeedback. Turn in the first, graded version along with the revisedversion.

Discussion section:

This section of the paper should begin by discussing the resultswith respect to the hypotheses and then relating the findings back tothe literature. You should link with studies mentioned in yourintroduction (did your results agree with, support, extend,contradict, etc. the work of the previous researchers?). You mayalso incorporate additional studies that you had not mentioned inyour introduction. This might be especially useful if your resultswere somehow unexpected and you are trying to explain them /understand them relative to a different theory or some other previousdata. As part of this linking to previous work, critique yourexperiment -- discuss aspects of your study that might impact variousaspects of internal or external validity. From this critique, youshould give suggestions for future research. These suggestionsshould not be limited to simplistic suggestions such as "use moreparticipants so it is more likely to achieve statisticalsignificance." Future research suggestions should showthoughtfulness regarding the extension of knowledge. Finally, endwith a short summary paragraph highlighting the contributions of yourstudy.


Final, Full Paper with Format Appropriate for Submission to anAPA Journal: Assignment (#9)

For this assignment, you will need to turn in a typed version andan electronic version of the following. The target due date forAssignment #9 is Wednesday, April 19th. This assignment is worth 100points.

Please turn in the full APA paper with all sections: cover page,abstract, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Reference,Table (if necessary), Figure Caption page, Figure(s). Also submitthe graded Revised results and discussion (A8) and the gradedproposal revision (A3).


General notes: As always, Vikki and I will be happy to meet withyou and give you feedback or answer your questions prior to turningin an assignment. Also, due dates for these assignments are flexiblegiven the nature of the class and the data collection process. However, do your very best to complete the work as soon as possibleso you can finish your project this semester!